The New Routine
April 27, 2020
As an essential service, Landplan isn’t just at work for our clients, we take extra steps to ensure a safe environment for our staff. In The Woodlands office, everyone participates in sanitizing surfaces, door handles, public areas, and themselves every morning. Our office building neighbors share the cleaning of public areas, and a third level of protection is provided by the evening cleaning crew.
But our efforts don’t stop there.

Development, expansion, and growth continue COVID-19 or not. The bottom line is “the show must go on” or in our case, “the Client must get their 5 minutes!” Pre-scheduled meetings with a small number of clients only take place in the downstairs conference room. Visitors are met by Valerie with an offer of hand sanitizer, and staff in the upstairs offices attend conference meetings via Skype so those in the actual conference room can maintain 6 feet of distance. After meetings, the conference room is sanitized and everyone goes back to there separate spaces.

Not long ago this would have seemed like the actions of a germ-a-phobe collective.
Now, it’s just the new “norm.”